Canagan Venison & Wild Boar Stew is a complete and balanced grain-free food with organic vegetables, fresh meat and chelated minerals; making a wholesome, tasty and nutritious meal for adult dogs. This recipe is totally grain free so is perfect if your dog is intolerant to wheat, corn or any other grains. We also leave out artificial colourings, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners to keep things natural. Our ingredients are delivered fresh each day and cooked with love for our special friends.
Place your order before 12pm, Monday to Friday, and it will be carefully packaged and dispatched the same day! Orders placed on weekends or Bank Holidays will be processed on the next business day.
All parcels are sent via UPS Standard Delivery, with an estimated delivery time of 1-3 working days. You’ll receive a tracking number via email once your order has been dispatched.
We offer free delivery on orders over £45 (excluding bags of dog food weighing over 6kg). For orders under £45, shipping is £5.95.